Test Page

Your page would look like this with this background
A different color incase the last message was not visible"); lab=open("","DisplayWindow","status=1,scrollbars=1 ");lab.document.write(page); } var show_num=""; function Show(){ document.imgDisplay.src=display[select]; show_num=("Now viewing "+select+" of "+maxnum); document.dischange.umber.value=show_num; } function sinGle(){ location=display[select];} function sBack(){ select--; if (select<1){select = maxnum;} Show();} function sFor(){ select++; if(select>maxnum){select = 1;} Show();} //sBack(),disPage(),sFor(),imgDisplay // conTact function written by Matt freabeer@webtv.net // It is part of mail form function conTact() { var name = prompt("What is your name",""); var page = prompt("Your homepage address","http://") var com = prompt("Any Comments?",""); alert("Now hit submit if you wish to send\nOr you can re-enter the info if you wish"); var a1 = navigator.appName; var a2 = navigator.appVersion; var a3 = navigator.appCodeName; var a4 = navigator.userAgent; var inFor=(a1+a2+a3+a4); window.document.MailQuestion.name.value=name; window.document.MailQuestion.homepage.value=page; window.document.MailQuestion.comments.value=com; window.document.MailQuestion.vinfo.value=inFor; window.document.MailQuestion.from.value=document.referr er;} //--end hide--> Statistics

You're listening to Crazy Train by Ozz¥ Ozbourne. I got this MIDI form Dave's MIDI's for WebTV

Give it a bit of time to view images the larger ones take time to load. Once you have viewed them you can flip through them faster. Images are not shown actual size in the display window. To see them actual size hit Single View.
To get the URL of an image hit Single View and hit goto show last.
Hit Page View to see it used as a back ground on a sample page
Use the back button to get back here. Don't save or send the page with the background. It doesn't exist, if you save it and try and get back to it it wont happen. The page only exists with in your own Cache.
Most of these give are from or directly linked to Draacs
I have begun copying images from NASA wich is allowed as long as I give them recognition for the Images. So some are copies from NASA. I have more but I'm trying to reduce there file size.
Script Written by freabeer@webtv.netJuly 18, 1998Script written in my Labratory For speeds sake. I will be adding more images to the viewer in the future.


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