Test Page

Your page would look like this with this background
A different color incase the last message was not visible") lab=open("","DisplayWindow","status=1,scrollbars=1 ");lab.document.write(page); } var show_num=""; function Show(){ document.imgDisplay.src=display[select]; show_num=("Now viewing "+select+" of "+maxnum); document.dischange.umber.value=show_num; } function sinGle(){ location=display[select];} function sBack(){ select--; if (select<1){select = maxnum;} Show();} function sFor(){ select++; if(select>maxnum){select = 1;} Show();} //sBack(),disPage(),sFor(),imgDisplay // conTact function written by Matt freabeer@webtv.net // It is part of mail form function conTact() { var name = prompt("What is your name",""); var page = prompt("Your homepage address","http://") var com = prompt("Any Comments?",""); alert("Now hit submit if you wish to send\nOr you can re-enter the info if you wish"); var a1 = navigator.appName; var a2 = navigator.appVersion; var a3 = navigator.appCodeName; var a4 = navigator.userAgent; var inFor=(a1+a2+a3+a4); window.document.MailQuestion.name.value=name; window.document.MailQuestion.homepage.value=page; window.document.MailQuestion.comments.value=com; window.document.MailQuestion.vinfo.value=inFor; window.document.MailQuestion.from.value=document.referrer;} function selfTest(){ var userAdd=document.dischange.imageAd.value; bgrnd=("'"+userAdd+"'") bgrnd=bgrnd+("") page = ("

Test Page

Your page would look like this with this background
A different color incase the last message was not visible") lab=open("","DisplayWindow","status=1,scrollbars=1 ");lab.document.write(page); } //--end hide--> Statistics

Script Written by freabeer@webtv.netJuly 18, 1998Script written in my Labratory For speeds sake. I will be adding more images to the viewer in the future.


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View Source of image displayer.